At Candy Cuddles, we celebrated Fiji Language Week with a special mat time where children were introduced to the Fijian language. Teachers taught basic Fijian greetings and words, fostering a sense of cultural diversity and inclusion. Afterward, the children engaged in an art activity where they painted paper plates blue to represent the ocean, created an island scene, and added fish. This creative exercise helped children explore Fijian culture and connect with the Pacific environment through art.
Learning Occurred: During the Fiji Language Week celebration, children developed an appreciation for cultural diversity and language. By learning Fijian greetings and phrases, they enhanced their communication skills, aligning with the Communication strand of Te Whāriki. Sharing their artwork supported social competence and a sense of belonging, key aspects of the Contribution and Belonging strands. This experience supported NELP by creating a culturally responsive environment where children learned to respect and appreciate different cultures. The links were evident in the promotion of Whanaungatanga as children engaged in shared activities, and Whakapapa as they learned about their place within a diverse world, understanding the interconnectedness of people and cultures.