We had an amazing Diwali celebration at Candy Cuddles ECC Takanini. Diwali is a great opportunity for all the children to celebrate different cultures and it contributes to their understanding of the multicultural communities they are a part of.
As we have such a multicultural community at our Centre and it’s so important for our Tamariki that we acknowledge and celebrate their culture and heritage. It was so great to see all the teachers, children, and parents were dressed beautifully in their cultural outfits. Diwali is the festival of lights and to celebrate this Festival.
Children made some beautiful clay lamps and painted them. All the children took the opportunity to make the sweets and their Diwali cards to take home.
Children learned that Diwali is one of the most important festivals in the Hindu culture and got to know the story behind its significance. We all enjoyed shared kai brought by our whanau.
Children performed in front of their parents by dancing to Bollywood music and parents participated in fun-filled games. Our heart was filled with love and respect towards each other cultures, being so diverse we feel we are one big whanau.
We would like to say a big thank you to all our parents for celebrating this auspicious festival with us.
This celebration empowered children by recognizing and valuing their cultural heritage and identity aligned to Te Whariki’s principles of Empowerment ( Whakamana), Family and Community (Whanau Tangata) and Relationships ( Nga Hononga). Celebrating Diwali aligns with NELP priorities by promoting cultural awareness and respect and inclusive opportunities. Te Ara Poutama supports educators in creating culturally responsive environment and this celebration demonstrated a commitment to this framework.