Daffodil day is an annual event dedicated to raising funds and awareness for cancer support and research. The Daffodil flower, symbolizing hope and resilience, is used as a cheerful emblem for this cause. In New Zealand, it is typically held on the last Friday of August. Candy Cuddles also organized a vibrant celebration to raise awareness about cancer. The children participated in various activities, including painting daffodil flowers, and dressing up in yellow.
The event supported the principles and strands of Te Whāriki. Children were empowered to take part in meaningful activities that contributed to their community and enhanced children’s Empowerment. The celebration was evaluated using the Te AraPoutama framework, focusing on He Whāriki Motuhake (The learner and their learning) and Whakangungu Ngaio (collaborative professional learning and development).This celebration also aligned with National Education and Learning Priorities(NELP) by ensuring the activities were inclusive and culturally responsive as well as providing barrier free access.
The Daffodil day celebration at Candy Cuddles was a multifaceted learning experience that not only raised awareness about cancer but also provided valuable educational opportunities for the children.