At Candy Cuddles, we celebrated the vibrant Indian festival of Hariyali Teej, which marks the onset of the monsoon season. The children were excited to come dressed in traditional Indian attire, bringing a colorful and festive feel in the centre. Children enjoyed dancing on Indian songs. They also participated in the traditional Indian snack making, Mathi and had it in afternoon tea. They used dough and learned to roll it into smaller shapes, developing their fine motor skills and understanding of measurement and texture.
This celebration provided a rich opportunity for children to experience and respect diverse cultural traditions, contributing to their sense of belonging and can be linked to Te Whariki strand Well being (Mana atua).
By celebrating Hariyali Teej, we created an inclusive learning environments where diverse cultures and identities are respected and celebrated, aligning with NELP’s priority of promoting the wellbeing of all learners.
This also supported children’s learning by engaging them in meaningful, culturally relevant experiences linking it to Te ara poutama supporting the holistic development of children.